
Best 100 Vikings Tv Series Quotes

“Don’t waste your time looking back. You’re not going that way.
— Ragnar Lothbrok”

“The more complicated a person is, the more interesting he is. But at the same time, the more dangerous he is.
— King Ecbert”

” “Floki the carpenter. Floki the fisherman. Floki the father!
Poor child to have such a father!” Floki “

““Dark shapes come to me at night. Monstrous forms. When I wake, they skulk in the shadows, shapeless, but no sooner am I asleep than they creep forward again.” Lagertha “

“We have lost more knowledge than we ever had.
— King Ecbert “

““A Viking never gives up on his revenge. This is who we are.” Erlendur”
“It is all the same with we women. We just give birth to the slaughtered.
— Torvi”

““You can all say whatever you want, but he was a human. People started to talk as if he was a god. He was not a god,he was a man! A man with many dreams and many failings.” Björn Ironside “

“Life is not a walk across an open field.
— Siggy Haraldson”

” “Who knows, Ragnar, what the gods have in store for us. But this, I can never imagine. If you have gone to Heaven, then we will never meet again. And yet, I think Odin will ride like the wind, and rescue you, and take you to Valhalla, where you belong, my own sweet Ragnar. And there, there we shall meet again, and fight and drink and… love one another.” Lagertha “
” “Possession is the opposite of love.” Harbard “

” “Winter is coming” Björn Ironside”

” “I always believed that death is a fate far better than life, for you will be reunited with lost loved ones. But we will never meet again, my friend, for I have a feeling that your God might object to me visiting you in heaven.” Ragnar “

“I was never the usurper, always the usurped.
— Lagertha Lothbrok”

” “I feel trapped, in all this happiness.” Floki “

““I hung from a windy tree for nine long nights, wounded by a spear, dedicated to Odin, from that tree of which no man knows from where its roots run.” Ragnar Lothbrok “

“””Don’t waste your time looking back you are not going that way”” Ragnar “

““Fenrir, the giant wolf, could not be constrained by any means known to man, so the dwarves forged a chain, but not from metal. Nothing made by man could constrain Fenrir, so they forged it from the things we cannot see and the things we cannot hear. Like the breath of a fish… the sound a moving cat makes. The roots… of a mountain.” Floki “

““Everything I do, Ragnar, is for you.” Floki”

” “Force is only necessary against one’s enemies.” King Ecbert “

” “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under the sun. A time to be born, a time to die; a time to plant, and to pluck up what is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal…” Athelstan “

” “It is true that the more complicated a person is, the more interesting he is. But at the same time, the more dangerous he is.” King Ecbert”

“I’ve been told your god is a carpenter. And guess what? So am I.
— Floki”

“Bad news travels a great deal slower than good news.
— Thorvard”

“Power is always dangerous. It attracts the worst. And corrupts the best.
— Ragnar Lothbrok”

“You Vikings are incorrigible. You emerge from the womb with only one thing on your mind…how to die.
— King Ecbert “

““I would worry less about the gods and more about the fury of a patient man.” Ragnar”

“In the name of our dead father, in the name of Ragnar Lothbrok, the greatest hero of our country, and in the name of Odin, we declare war on the whole world.
— Ivar Boneless”

“All roads lead to the throne.
— Ragnar Lothbrok “

““Thor was angry with us. He beat his anvil and the waves grew
ever taller. Soaked the boats, and one went down, heavy with water.
We saw it, and heard the cries of the men hauled down into the deep.
And then, at first light, we saw another had vanished. Storm wrecked, the men all drowned.” Floki”

“Ragnar: We live to fight another day”

““There is nothing more beautiful than a mother.” Björn “

” “We should not wash our dirty clothes in front of others.” Ragnar”

“Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up.
— Ragnar Lothbrok “

“The only way to tell if something is real is to sail there.
— Bjorn Lothbrok”

” “In the Bible, it says that all sorrows will pass.” Ragnar “

“Looking for extreme possibilities makes you blind to the probable explanation right in front of you.
— Dana Scully”

” “As long as my brother is still alive, he is not defeated.” Rollo “
” “I see that an eagle hovers over you. But I also see that you yourself are the eagle.” The Seer “

“The world is changing and we must change with it.
— Ragnar Lothbrok”

““Always remember to finish off your opponent, if you can. No man ever ran away with his entrails hanging to his knees, or his head cut off.” Rollo “
” “The space between life and death, that’s where we are the most alive.” Floki “

“In time, the name of Ragnar Lothbrok will fade and be forgotten. No one will ever forget Ivar the Boneless.
— Ivar”

” “Do you know what would have been better for me? Can you even imagine? To have been born a man.” Kwenthrith”

““I try to live like the gods. I reject everything of this world… Honor and glory, love of oneself, even shame. I only care about the will of the gods. Only then can everything worldly pass away, can the voices of the gods be heard. And then their spirit dwells in me, and I feel the ability to heal and prophecy. And take on the sins of the world… Upon myself.” Harbard “

” “In my world, you must have a life worth living before you can even consider death.” Yidu “

” “No man can walk through life without things happening to him.” Ragnar “

““Up onto the overturned keel,
Clamber, with a heart of steel,
Cold is the ocean’s spray,
And your death is on its way.
With maidens you have had your way,
Each must die some day!” Vikings”

“The future is open. Trust in the gods. Live for each moment.
— Lagertha Lothbrok”

““When the spring comes, and my blood heats up, I want nothing more than to raid and fight.” Björn Ironside”

” “The gods are here. They’re watching.” The Seer”

““My mother told me
Someday I would buy
Galley with good oars
Sail to distant shores
Stand up high in the prow
Noble barque I steer
Steady course for the haven
Hew many foe-men, hew many foe-men” Halfdan “

” “It is the Gods that have woven our destinies, not ourselves” Aslaug”

““Nearby is Valhalla, vast and gold-bright. And every day, Odin chooses slain men to join him. They arm themselves and fight in the courtyard. They kill one another; but every night they rise again, and ride back to the hall, and feast. The roof is made out of shields. The rafters are spears. Coats of mail litter the benches. A wolf stands at the Western door and an eagle hovers above it.
It has five hundred and forty doors, and when Ragnarok comes, eight hundred warriors will march out of each door, shoulder to shoulder.” Floki”

” “You will die on the day that the blind man sees you.” Yidu “

” “In my world, I am constantly torn between killing myself or everyone around me.” Ragnar”

” “The fly always follows the dead meat.” Floki “

“All of my life, and all of your lives, have come to this point. There is nowhere else to be but here. Nowhere else to live or die, but here. To be here now is the only thing that matters. So gather yourselves, gather all of your strength and all of your sweetness into an iron ball. For we will attack again and again. Until we reach and overcome their king, or we die in the attempt!
— Rollo”

“Up onto the overturned keel. Clamber, with a heart of steel. Cold is the ocean’s spray. And your death is on its way.
— Rollo”

” “We have one life… so go and live it.” Lagertha “

” “Frey, god of plenty, shining Frey, we summon you. We offer you this sacrifice. Frey, son of Njord, you who decides when the sun rises, or the rain comes down, bring forth the fruitfulness of the earth. With the blood of this sacrifice, nourish and make fecund mother earth. With your phallus, fill her womb for the increase of the earth. Now is the time.” Lagertha”

” “I cannot stop thinking about death. Death intrigues me. The death of children. The death of friends. But my own death continues to elude me. In my world, it is believed that the day of your death is fated. Would you like to know the day of your death?” Ragnar”

“Warriors don’t show their heart until the axe reveals it.
— Floki”

“The space between life and death, that’s where we are the most alive.
— Floki “

“Stones are much easier to wear than earth.
— King Ecbert”

““When the God Loki had done something terribly bad, the other Gods took him to a nasty dark cave. And there they chained him on three sharp rocks. And above him they fastened a vile snake so that its poison would drip, drip, drip, forever on Loki’s face.” Floki”

“To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the sun. A time to love, and a time to hate. A time of war, and a time of peace.
— King Ecbert”

“I never forget anything.
— Lagertha Lothbrok”

“I have no interest in peace. Peace is a dirty word.
— Ivar “

““I’ve asked for a sign. You have given me a sign. You’ve answered my prayers. I was blind, but now I see. I was dead, but… I’m reborn.” Athelstan”
“It is always a strength to know the weaknesses of your friends.
— Siggy Haraldson”

““I was hoping that I could cheat the fates.” Lagertha”

“I am old enough to know that you can never say for sure what someone else will do.
— Lagertha Lothbrok”

““After all, everything that goes around, finally comes around.” Sinric “
““In my mind, I wish I had never left the farm.” Ragnar Lothbrok

““Suffer no more, but trust in thy salvation.” Athelstan “

“As long as my brother is still alive, he is not defeated.
— Rollo”

” “We bring you the Yule log! May the gods be praised! People! May the Yule log burn throughout Yol, and bring its warmth and light to us in these darkest of days. And to King Ragnar and his family, may they feel the warmth of the fire, like the love of the people!” Vikings”

“The truth can be a bad choice for a wise man.
— Lagertha Lothbrok”

“Some men lust for women, and others lust for gold, but I only lust to please the gods.
— Floki”

” “Don’t die stupidly.” Rollo”

” “We fight. That is how we win, and that is how we die.” Ragnar Lothbrok “
“You couldn’t kill me if you tried for a hundred years.
— Lagertha Lothbrok”

““I have had a sign. A sign that blood must be
spilled, a sacrifice be made. I have waited a long time for such a sign. And now my purpose is clear.” Floki “

““Axe time! Sword time! Shields are splintered!” Floki “

” “Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up.” Ragnar “

” “”You give the Gods too much credit”” Ragnar”

““Imagine that the sun shone at night, and the moon during the day. And then imagine that everything you knew about Jesus Christ was not true, and that the true God was a living man, with a single eye, a cloak, a wide-brimmed hat. And that this man, Odin, the all-father, knew the secret of every heart, and the destiny of all men. And that he, too, was hanged from a tree, and died and was reborn. Only, it happened a long time before christ. Before our Lord.” Athelstan”

““I hate you, Ragnar Lothbrok. And I love you with all my heart. Why do you tear me away from myself?” Floki “

” “They took me on a long journey, for days and weeks. And afterwards they sold me to the Franks. And now, I am here. I am here, wherever “here” is. And it’s so long since I knew where I was, or where I belonged. I suppose it is stupid for a slave to worry over such things. A slave does not really exist.” Yidu “

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